Monday, February 28, 2011

no whinge week.... completed!

I managed to actually go an entire week where i did not once whinge about our house mate! (ok, not completely whinge free, just house mate whinge free!)
I am so very proud... till this morning...
my poor friend copped my vent. Now i am usually the first person to stop, breathe and try to look from an outside perspective.. Apparently not today! I turned from nice serene mummy into an uber psycho crazy lady in 2.5 seconds! (a new record for me!)
I am the only person who cleans, washes and does any other housework... I dont mind this, its my job... Im Mummy/Fiancee so i suppose its my job... But when i walk into my kitchen and bathroom, both of which were scrubbed clean yesterday and am faced with left over food that isnt ours and hair all mover bath and basin i cracked it...
Yes sir, this calm serene uber mum, cracked it... I was on the phone in a jiffy to whinge! And god it felt good!

So i have come to conclusion, evveryone needs to complain to someone, unfortunately i cant complain to Mr D as he is worried we will have to pack up and move because of the tension and stress... so i made the resolution that i would be t igger person aadn just not complain, just do everything myself nd hope someone realised how worn out and exhaused i was... unfortunately i also underestimated the tunnel vision of males! So there i was, blasting out my frustration to my poor friend on the phone... It wasnt until half way through this god almighty vent that i realised id been complaining for 30 mins! Wow i can talk!
So i am jumping back on the no stress for hubby band wagon again! i should be fine for another week now!

So with the help of a glass of wine this afternoon, ill be chilled, calm and serene again!
Heres hoping!

When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.


About Me...

Ok, so i suppose i should let you know who is writing what you're reading right?

My name is Jess and im 22..
I come from NSW and have 2 beautiful children to the man of my dreams Mr D.. My kids are;
Miss A = 2 and a half years old, a cheeky lil devil who can make you cry just as easy as make you laugh! She is a great little girl who is generally well behaved for us... she loves to sing and dance as well as anything crafty! (gtta love google for craft ideas!)

Miss K = 2 months, well not much to say about a 2 month old but she is gorgeous and a very happy baby! im very lucky to have been given two little angels!

My hubby Mr D is 7 yrs my senior, sometimes i think otherwise! He likes to have fun, is a proffesional nerd and for work, is an office girl! (as he likes to put it!) He got his motorbike learners last july so has been very busy taking his "new girl"for lots of rides! He is perfect in most ways and i love, appreciate and adore him more than anything in this world (apart from my lovely girls!)

We share a house with a long term friend who is 36... lol Mr V  (or as he's known in our house... Drunkle vic) is a great friend and although he annoys me at times, is the best person to live with! he put up with my hormonal-ness for my pregnancy and lets me vent to him and cook for him, in return he buys the wine!!!

Im not the most entertaining of people or the nicest at times but i promise that i will ATTEMPT to entertain the few that choose to follow me...

In general, life sucks... but thats YOUR perspective, and only you can change that!
Cos i can

Sunday, February 27, 2011

So im all awake but without coffee :(

Ahh the mornign time... when we wake to realise that there is another day ahead of poopy bums due to toilet training, more vomit from a 2 month old (Cos you know... its inevitable!) and of course theres the time of day when hubby gets home and both the kids are soooo excited to see him it makes my heart melt!

My eldest, Miss A is such a Daddys girl that sometimes, its hard to believe that i actually exisist! I dont mind this as seeing him turn from tough to a puddle on the floor makes me laugh! Mr D (the hubby) likes to think he's tough, he rides a motorbike and is getting "ïnked" at the end of next month..He's such a softy though! He lives for both his girls (and me I'd like to think :P)
He is the only man in the world who Iwill always be 100% honest with, ill tell him if he annoys me, or if he stinks - hey, sometimes you GOTTA tell them! I appreciate everything he does for me, also for the kids...

The biggest thing iss about to get done on wednesday... He has booked in to get the snip.... I am so grateful that he doesnt mind having his genitals cut into.. (after what mine had to go through, he'd better not complain!) So he is all booked in, ive bought him an ice pack - i told you, he's a softy! We're all set.
And now i start to get second thoughts... What if I do want more kids? what if something happends to one of our girls? what if it doesnt work? Stupid Jess and her stupid head! :P
I dont think i could ever go through the pain of child birth again but who's to say that in 5 years I may be a stronger person?? In my own head I know I dont want any more kids.. I can only just handle 2, I know i couldnt do 3 :D but now that its all in motion im just going through the motions I guess hahaha.
Who'd have thought? me, Jess, would ever settle down and have kids.. let alone get married (planning for 2012).

Life brings such unexpected things, but in the end you find that you turn out happier with the things you get given in life!

- Stress is like a rocking chair, gives you something to do, but gets you nowhere...
Cos i can

xx Jess

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

let me tell you a story...

im sorry if this turns out to be a long one... need to get it off my chest though...
when i was in high school i knew of a girl in the year above me that was always teased for being needy and not really listening to people...
in about 2005 i ran into her in town one night and we started to become friends... for the first few years it was great! it was a two way street... then it came time that she got a boyfriend. id been in a long term relationship at this point for about 2 years and was about to move to Darwin to follw said boy..
a week before i leave, the eve of what was supposed to be my good bye party she called and said that her man had broken it off and she needed somone. so being the friend that i am, i do the "right"thing and called off the party to instead stay in with my friend and console her.
12 months pass where we were still in daily contact and i had been dumped by my boyfriend and was returning home. upon calling her in tears asking for someone to talk to, she promptly hung up on me then sent me a txt saying that she had her own problems to deal with.. what a mate right?i gave her the benefit of the doubt though and didnt hear from her for a month.

between then and now i have been her agony aunt wheneer she gets dumped(she seems to think that as soon as a guy says yes to becoming her boyfriend she should immediately start acting like his wife and becomes VERY overbearing) i have given her money when she whinges shes broke, ive helped her friends, ive let her stay under my roof for weeks on time for nothing... all so i know shes ok...

i call her today and got hung up on.. fair enough i think to myself, shes probably busy...
i got a txt an hour ago..
"i have a problem jess, my rego is nxt week and i spent the money on alcohol for T* (T= current boyfriend)
to which i replied that i wished i could help but had only just registered my partners bike so wasnt very flush with money...
I was appalled with the response i got.....
'"well a good friend you are, you never help me when i need it, useless bitch"
I promptly deleted her number and gave up on her as a human being...
whatever happened to manners and supporting yourself. ffs, this girl lives with her parents, has a full time job and has no dependants, yet IM the bad person...???
This day and age i dont understand... take me back to the 70's! :D

*sigh* the end of another long day

ok, so i think i may be addicted to ebay now...
i stumbled upon this useful site,
never before had i known its might,
i could buy shoes, handbags, and maybe some tights,
hell, i could even buy a laser sight.

paypal or money oreder,
or even a cheque
no hassles paying,
sent to my door and i get.

all this useless shit i buy,
has cluttered my house,
jeans, belts and a tie,
buy it now... a house for a mouse...

so im going offline now,
just for a little,
(ive got things on my watch list!)
maybe ill win the fluro pink kettle! :P

see! i have way too much spare time now!
if anyone has ideas on craft things i can do with a 2 year old feel free to post comments!


Sunday, February 20, 2011

ok now... so why am i here? oh thats right, theres house work to be done...

Ahaha ahhh life.... where are't thou?
I am now officially house bound!
My youngest daughter has now decided that @ 10 weeks old she should start teething, so gone are the nights of 6 hour sleeps, and back are the 3 wakes per night!

I am very excited to actually be able to sleep in my own bed though! I have up until about 4 days ago had to sleep on the lounge so i could hear if Kaylee was awake in her room (the baby monitor was chewing through batteries and then i found the ac adapter... stupid me it was right in front of my face the entire time :P)
So now im actually able to return to a kind of normality.  :D

Yay my sex life has actually returned and instead of feeling just like a mother and a maid i actually feel i have some intimacy with Scott! (he must be loving it!!)
Ahhh the first few months are always fun, my daughter Anorah has now started to breastfeed her dolls (monkey see monkey do i suppose) and is constantly trying to hinder... (i mean help...) with the new baby...
Now this may sound good to all you prospective parents out there, but i am now fighting with Anorah over who will change Kaylees nappies, who will feed her, burp her, carry her to her cot... this is so frustrating that my very popular threat is that im going to throw her in the bin (anorah not kaylee).
Anorah does not take kindly to this threat (or sooky la la) and runs around the house screaming "no mummy put nora in bin!"
So tell me im wrong in saying this... but is it illegal to throw children in the bin with no return address???

*To all those who actually think im being serious... grow up! i love my kids and would never harm them...*